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1: 2008-09-01 (月) 09:22:19 なーお ソース バックアップ No.1 を復元して編集
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 +*piCal with d3comment easy integration [#t6fac2b4]
 +**outline [#nd0324bf]
 +I have used [[piCal module:http://xoops.peak.ne.jp/md/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=89&cid=1]] with comment integration, but we have to edit templates and edit "d3forum_dirname" & "forum_id" site by site, so I tried to edit piCal-ver0.91h for better administration.
 ++D3-comment integration class was also edited to the one included in the original myalbum-P module.
 ++The integrated d3forum-directory & forum_id value are saved in config table in DB by editting in module administration screen, that's implemented as d3blog module's integration.
 +D3-comment integration class is the new version ,merged after d3forum-0.83a, which is called as "d3comment" procedure. The "forum-id" value will be realized in D3-comment integration class , so we don't have to edit it any more.&br;&br;
 +**procedure [#tcdb5691]
 +You have to edit "xoops_version.php", "language/(your_lang)/modinfo.php", D3coment calss files and some template files.
 +For Easier way, different (to piCal-ver0.91h) files pack is available for you. After extracted overwrite the files.
 +Notice: Added configlation words are edited in english. If your language is neither Japanese nor English, please edit your language file as you like.
 +**installation and settings [#pe8c9357]
 +On the module administration screen , please update your myalbum-P module. Then, you will find new setting items "Comment integration directory" & "d3forum_id" on the myalbum-P module administration screen.
 ++Before setting, of course you have to make a new forum for integration. And write in the "Format for comment-integration" box  as
 + piCal::piCalD3commentContent::
 +The first "piCal" will be changed as your installed module directory.&br;&br;
 ++"Comment integration directory" on piCal preferences
 +When you use D3-comment integration system,write your d3forum (html) directory. If you don't use comments or use xoops comment system, leave this in empty.&br;&br;
 +When you set above integration diredtory, write forum_id value.
 +(above image is the case of myalbum, but comment integration configration items are same)
 +It is finish. Before avove settings, xoops original comment system is enabled.
 +***licenses [#n904366d]
 +-piCal, d3forum source -->GPL

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